We are human BEings not human DOings. So giving your best to the areas that are most important to you, starts with giving some energy to your own well-being. Do people tend to think you have it all together but you feel like you don't? Are you often caring for others (maybe even smiling in the proceas) but underneath you are just trying to hold things together and be productive yourself? Are the stressors in your personal life messing with your focus ar work, or vice versa? This BAG of GEMS for Well-Being & Balance self-guided program will start you on your journey to turning overwhelm and anxiety into clarity and relief so that the feelings you experience on the inside, can match what others have the pleasure of seeing on the outside. By the end of this program you will be armed with several basic tools to start creating some new coping habits for combating everyday challenges like fear, anxiety, worry, stress, negativity overwhelm, burnout, anger, and sadness. Sections include: ❤️🩹Support & crisis resources ⚪️Intro to Well-being ⚪️Coaching vs Therapy 💚Balance 💙Affirmations 💜Grounding 🚦Stress vs Anxiety ❤️Gratitude 🩷Empathy 🧡Mindfulness & Mindset 💛Self-compassion Well-being is not a quick fix. It is a lifestyle change. BUT with small steps and consistency, change is possible! 🚨 This is not a substitute for seeking help from a clinical mental health professional (ie. therapy, counseling, psychiatry) when needed. But in my work as a certified mental health coach, the information that I share throughout this program is where I typically start with clients who are looking for relief from these and other challenges. 🚨To understand the important distinctions between coaching and therapy please see the next module "Introduction to Well-Being". In each program module you will receive guidance about each topic along with tools and exercises for you to use it in your daily life. If you have any questions please feel free to message me in the chat!
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app