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Program Details

WorkLifeJoy 90 Day Jumpstart!

  • 90Days
  • 50Steps


*3 Day Free Preview* The WorkLifeJoy 90 Day Jumpstart is a psychology-based digital program that supercharges your self-awareness and walks you towards your vision, in a way similar to how you would in 1-on-1 coaching sessions. When you imagine yourself and your life in 3 months when your coaching journey completes, where do you see yourself? Much like traditional coaching, your WorkLifeJoy 90 Day Jumpstart program is designed to help you navigate areas such as emotional and mental wellness, personal and professional development, relationships, communication, and more. Coach2GO is different because: 1) You learn about yourself through 5 science-based assessments 2) Your coach🙋🏾‍♀️, Melanie Gallo PhD, not a bot🤖, is there for support right in the chat when you find you need to signal for help. 3) You receive DAILY coaching tips specific to you, based on your combined assessment results. 4) You are given the space and tools to document your thoughts, goals, and reflections. Your assessments include: ❤Enneagram - Learn how to relate to people and how they can best relate to you.  🧠Culture Pulse - Learn how your values, norms, beliefs, and behavior affect how you behave in workgroups. 🌗Energy Rhythm - Learn about your circadian rhythms to better understand how to use your individual “morning person” and “night owl” patterns of focus and energy ♟16 Types - Learn how to understand and make use of different behavioral tendencies. 💼DiSC - Learn about your responses to favorable and unfavorable work environments. Then you WALK STEP-BY-STEP through your WorkLifeJoy 90 Day Jumpstart program, to learn how it all works together to take real steps forward.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.


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