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Why We Don't Like Surprises
I Don’t Like Surprises Surprises are usually considered a good thing. And I actually don’t dislike all surprises--just the kind with...

6 Ways to Help you Remember Things More Often
by Melanie Gallo, PhD Most of us want to improve our memory and for a good reason! Our capability to remember things is one of the few...

Why You Mad Bro? Understanding Passive-Aggressive Behavior
by Melanie Gallo, PhD We all know someone who "is passive-aggressive", or mean in a way that is subtle... but oh so shady! You may not...

How to use your superpower
by Melanie Gallo, PhD Do you know what your superpower is? No, not THAT superpower. I’m talking about your most powerful...

How Did I Get Here? The Art of Knowing, That you know
by Melanie Gallo, PhD Have you ever had this to happen? You’re driving home from work and all of a sudden your sitting in your driveway. ...

Preserving your Inner Child
by Melanie Gallo, PhD You know how when you’re a kid everything is an adventure. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a ten year old that...

Underachiever or Overachiever?
by Melanie Gallo, PhD Finding the right balance in life is always a handful. There are times when we just don’t seem to know how much...

5 Steps to Liking Yourself, For Real
by Melanie Gallo, PhD Have you ever thought to yourself “I don’t like myself”? Well, if you have, believe me, you’re not the only one....

Take the Hint: Body Language and Communication
Gatherings during the holidays are a great time to reconnect and renew relationships, particularly following the height of a pandemic....

When is Stress a Good Thing?
by Melanie Gallo, PhD People think about stress as bad, something they need to learn to cope with, a culprit for many health issues. But,...

A Guide to The World of Introverts
by Melanie Gallo, PhD In the Merriam - Webster dictionary the definition of the noun “introvert” is the following: a typically reserved...
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