Your WorkLifeJoy™️ Coach2GOCoach2GO digital coaching is a psychology-based tool designed to help you achieve your WorkLifeJoy.
Gratitude ToolkitGratitude means appreciating the good things in your life, no matter how big or small. Making the practice of gratitude a regular part of...
Target Your Job SearchWhen it's time to look for a job or make a career change, where do you start looking? Do you jump online and go to one of the most common...
How to Take a Personality Test on Facebook Without Having your Personal Info Stolenby Melanie C Gallo, PhD (Photo by Dooder / Freepik) Step One: Don’t take a personality test on Facebook. The End. I heard a saying...
Our gadgets are literally eating our minds: The physical effects of our device use on our brainsby Melanie Gallo, PhD Before you zone out at the thought of a bunch of blah blah blah about your brain and digital tech and research...
Fighting the FOMO - How to Fight Becoming a Digital Junkieby Melanie Gallo, PhD Am I talking about you? How long can you go without your mobile device? Your phone. Your iPad or tablet. I'm not...
The Digital Natives are Growing Restlessby Melanie Gallo, PhD How old were you when you owned your first mobile phone? Was it about the size (and weight) of a brick and carried...
Monkey See...Monkey Don't: Improving Group ParticipationAs children, whenever my cousin and I would get into trouble at my grandparents house (like the time we both sat on my little brothers...
Engagement Without the RingYou don’t have to give them a ring...but you need to be engaged. Marketing. Accounting. Finance. Advertising. Sales. Revenue. Mergers....
Strategy 101: 5 Phases of Strategic PlanningOne of the primary functions of a company’s leadership team is to determine the strategic direction of the organization. In order to...
Corporate Social Responsibility Spotlight: TOMS Shoes, Inc.Founded in 2006, TOMS Shoes, Inc. has maintained a simple, "One for One" business model... They sell a pair of shoes, they give a pair...
Good as Goals: The Value of Employee CommitmentIn order for managers to effectively meet their strategic goals, they must also have the cooperation and commitment of the employees. To...